Oldal kiválasztása

Methods and Techniques

Methods and Techniques

The Learn to park application not only demonstrates the correct way of parking but also offers exercises that help students to learn to drive safely. Inching forward and steering tasks are important parts of learning to park and developing driving skills.

What kind of exercises you need to practice?

Inching forward

Before the driver  can control the vehicle at low speed, he/she will not be able to perform  low-speed maneuvers, such as turning around, parking, entering the garage. This makes inching forward the basis of everything! This exercise is done well when the car travels
60 meters or 200 feet during 60 to 120 seconds time range.


Steering and controlling the vehicle forwards and backwards are essential skills in everyday traffic. To master this, we offer four types of exercises. Each exercise has its own important role in the learning process. Let’s see which skills each task is meant to develop.

Figure eight

It helps to learn the proper operation of the steering wheel by turning the steering left and right. It is very important that the driver performs the task with a hand over hand technique  (always using the upper arch of the steering wheel).

Daisy Slalom

Suitable to practice turning right and left. During practice, it is important to steer the vehicle precisely as you pass each pylon. It teaches you when to change direction moving between pylons. If the driving speed of the vehicle and the dynamics of the steering wheel rotation are not in line, the driver will be unable to complete 2 laps. This exercise will help you develop your ability of maneuvering the vehicle.

Clover Leaf Exercise

Some students only have difficulties with turning to one side. The clover leaf exercise is a good option for them as you have to turn the vehicle in a given direction several times in a row. It is important to straighten the vehicle after each turn and then start the next turn.

Star Figure

You can learn to feel the dimensions of the vehicle. It helps you to master how to change direction smoothly. In addition, it teaches you to maintain and control your forward and reverse speed carefully, which requires even finer pedal operation than in case of inching forward.

Once the students have successfully completed all the steering exercises, they can continue to the turning and parking exercises.

Who can benefit from using the Learn to park application?

  • Instructors can use the techniques demonstrated in the application during their classes, and use these exercises to support effective teaching.
  • Students who are currently learning to drive.
  • Driving license holders who have difficulties with any type of parking.

Why it is good to use the application

The app offers many hints and tips to help you learn to park. The process can be viewed from above as we would otherwise never see it, from up close showing the most important key points and looking around 360 degrees from the driver’s perspective. These videos provide so much information that instructors might not be able to, due to limited teaching time. Using the app allows you to use less instructor-led practice time.

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